What is the current stage of BSCSWAP?

The BSCSWAP test network has been launched. What is a testnet? A testnet (Test net) refers to the blockchain network that has not yet been officially launched and can operate independently. The digital currency circulating on the main network has real economic value and is a test version of the future public chain. It has similar functionality to the mainnet. Mainly used for rapid development iterations of projects and early participation of community members.


Completely decentralized and unmodifiable Web3 framework, blockchain distributed accounting Data is open and transparent on the chain The contract has been audited, safe and reliable AI alpha is highly intelligent Precise transaction, full intelligent transaction The first artificial intelligence trading network chain Stable income, promoting the continuous growth of governance tokens and ecology Self-learning, more and more intelligent Security, Anti-Malware and Sybil Attacks The handling fee is lower than that of Ethereum Hbsc Provide financial services, provide services for exchanges and chains through API and SDK

About BSCSWAP tokens

Fully decentralized, Self-management of assets, Pass a full review, Open and transparent data on the chain, Governance Committee Multisig, The only governance token, Token Economic Deflation, Governance and Transaction Dividends

How to get BSCSWAP?

Participate in IDO BSCSWAP will conduct a short-term IDO when it goes online on the testnet. You can get BSCSWAP tokens through IDO. Keep an eye out for community announcements. IDO has started.

Why should I buy IDO and how to buy IDO? Everyone will be able to obtain BSCSWAP by purchasing IDO if they have the opportunity. Why is $BSCSWAP IDO worth buying? IDO price: $1 = 83.3 $BSCSWAP (≈$0.012) Join the airdrop When the test network is in progress, BSCSWAP can be obtained through airdrops. The airdrops have already started. Invite friends Share BSCSWAP with your friends and you will get more BSCSWAP and community rewards. Share your Referral link and receive 10% BSCSWAP + 10% BNB as a referral reward (please link the wallet first when obtaining the referral link).

Can the airdrop and IDO be sold?

They can be sold. Currently, during testing of the network, airdrops and IDO BSCSWAP can be sold on the swap, each sale is 2 USD (unlimited times). In the future, rewards will be issued to trading accounts based on transaction amount and frequency.

How much is the transaction fee?

No fee, trades have 0 slippage.

When will the mainnet be launched?

Mainnet launch date is 25-July-2024, Please pay attention to the official news. It will be announced in the community after the mainnet is launched.

Last updated